Poli News

Poli News of November


Everything about Expotec: winners in the area of ​​logistics, best tcc's and exhibitions.

On November 23rd and 24th, at the Etec Polivalente de Americana, was the Expotec, an event that the students present their tcc's and some other works. The group that received the trophy of best tcc exposed in the expotec of the logistics area was the group that presented on the WMS software. 
Expotec was very useful for all the students of the second year, because they can improve their knowledge and have an idea about their projects for the coming year.

Poli News of August

"Day D"

It was an improvement made in the Etec Polivalente de Americana that generated better living conditions for the students.

Etec Polivalente de Americana promotes awareness campaign. In August 31, there was a campaign to raise the awareness of students with the creation of posters for them. The posters were displayed in the corridors of the school and the campaign was given the name "Day D".


Poli News of June/July

For best visualization of the video, click HERE

Poli News of May

In the month of May, the week Paulo Freire was held, in addition to the visit of superintendent Laura Lagana.

For best visualization of the video, click HERE.

Poli News of April

A trough with 4 taps and freezer was installed at ETEC.

It was an improvement made in the Etec Polivalente de Americana that generated better living conditions for the students.

Poli News of March

Last Tuesday (03/28/2017), a small burning occurred on a site near ETEC, after a while, fire reached the school lawn. See some images of smoke caused by fire:

 The fire did not break into the ETEC soccer field; after about 20 minutes, the fire was controlled by ETEC janitors, who used buckets of water.

Poli News of February

Even without the permission of the direction, the students of ETEC Polivalente de Americana carried out an ink war with the approved students.

For best visualization of the video, click HERE.

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